There are many benefits to renting trade show exhibits over purchasing. This is especially the case if you only exhibit at a few shows each year. Or your budget is a bit limited and you like the idea of spending about a third to half the cost of purchasing the same booth!
But you might ask, “how can renting a trade show booth give my company the same custom feel as owning the exhibit”?
Well, the good news is that renting a trade show exhibit doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t have the same type of custom exhibit as one you’d purchase. With the huge variety of booth components available it’s truly a possibility to rent a trade show exhibit that suits your needs and fulfills your goals – from the smallest to the largest of exhibit possibilities.
But what about branding? Well, more good news. By purchasing a custom trade show graphics package with which to outfit and customize your rental exhibit, your booth can be completely branded and customized to match your brand, target audience, and the products you’re showing. And in the hands of a trained exhibit company and their graphic designers, truly the sky’s the limit when it comes to custom trade show graphics.
Custom Trade Show Exhibit Graphics
When renting a trade show booth or exhibit, just about the only thing you’ll need to purchase is your custom trade show exhibit graphics. But, what you’ll spend on graphics can pay dividends on the show floor, by attracting visitors to your booth and creating the cohesiveness that your brand deserves.
Whether needing to match existing branding, marketing collateral that has already been designed, or creating graphics from scratch for a new product launch – your trade show graphics really help your rental booth become your own.
In many rental trade show booth configurations, you’ll have graphic opportunities on back and outside walls, headers and stands/kiosks. Really, just about any surface in your exhibit can be branded with custom graphics.
Hanging Signs & Banners
And just about nothing helps attendees find your booth easier than with the use of hanging signs. Display your logo and branding on hanging signs, which can be seen from across the exhibit hall and let folks know where you’re at!
Look Different at Each Show
In addition to being able to completely customize the look of your rental trade show booth with custom graphics, they provide a great opportunity for customizing your look from show to show.
Whether you’re promoting different products, or targeting different user groups, switching your trade show booth graphics from show to show is a cost-effective way of dialing in your brand to relate to show attendees.
Be sure to communicate your goals for each show and who you’re selling to, etc., with your trade show exhibit company, so their designers can help you achieve the best results. In the hands of a design professional, you’ll be able to put together a customized look and feel that speaks directly to the attendees on the show floor.
Like to learn a bit more about how a custom graphics package can spice up your rental trade show exhibit? We’d love to hear about your big ideas and your next show!